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We're at AniRevo Winter!
We'll be at table #306 at AniRevo Winter! Come see us for all your glowstick and penlight needs! Stock up for upcoming Delayed Viewings or for the cover groups performing that weekend too! We're also gonna have a few giveaway items! Come be one of the first to see us to grab it!
Lumican At Akimatsuri!
Lumican has some exciting news to share with you. In preparation for the upcoming winter conventions in Vancouver, we’ve prepared a fresh shipment of Lumica brand penlights. These include the easily affordable Daisenko 100, the full-featured Daisenko 300, and the classic Lumiace 2 Omega. We’ll be appearing at Akimatsuri, held this Saturday, December 15 from 10:00AM to 6:00PM at UBC Robson Square. You’ll find us at the back of the vendor hall with Penlights, chemlights, and happi coats. Come by and purchase a penlight or two, and enjoy the idol-filled festivities at the main stage. You’ll also want to...
We're Open!
We're finally open! After a quick website start just in time for Anime Revolution, we've revamped the site to look and operate much better!For those of you looking for penlights, we're still out of stock of almost all of them, but good news, our shipment is almost here! We should have stock of all Lumiace 2 Omega's and Daisenko Blade 100's and 300's by early or mid September! We still have Happis, Daisenko glowsticks of all colours and Mega Daisenkos for sale in the meantime!