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Akimatsuri, BC, Delayed Viewing, Idols, Light Sticks, Love Live, Store, Vancouver -

Lumican has some exciting news to share with you. In preparation for the upcoming winter conventions in Vancouver, we’ve prepared a fresh shipment of Lumica brand penlights. These include the easily affordable Daisenko 100, the full-featured Daisenko 300, and the classic Lumiace 2 Omega. We’ll be appearing at Akimatsuri, held this Saturday, December 15 from 10:00AM to 6:00PM at UBC Robson Square. You’ll find us at the back of the vendor hall with Penlights, chemlights, and happi coats. Come by and purchase a penlight or two, and enjoy the idol-filled festivities at the main stage.   You’ll also want to...

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